Some people prefer contact lenses to eye glasses for their comfort and ease of use. Huber Eyecare in Rochester, Minnesota offers a variety of industry-leading contact lens brands. Are your eyes sensitive? Consider soft or gas-permeable contact lenses. Choose from daily contact lenses or long-term lenses, depending on your lifestyle.
See the Difference Contacts Can Make
Whether you prefer daily contact lenses or non-disposable contacts, there's an option for you at Huber Eyecare in Rochester, Minnesota. An optometrist can help you decide which type of contact lens is right for your eyes and lifestyle.
Which type of contact lens is right for you?
Choose from a variety of contacts:
Monthly disposable lenses
Two-week disposable lenses
Daily disposable lenses
Non-disposable lenses
Extended wear lenses
Many patients who wear contacts are excellent candidates for LASIK. If you're interested in a LASIK consultation, your eye doctor at Huber Eyecare in Rochester, Minnesota will be glad to sit down with you.
Check Out Our Contact Recycling Option
Huber Eyecare has partnered with Baush + Lomb Recycling Program. Drop off your blister packs, top foil and contact lenses and place them in one of our recycling bins.
Comprehensive eyecare for the entire family.
Schedule an appointment with our friendly, expert team today!